Monday, October 25, 2010


Finally.... siap gak pasang bracket ni kat dinding. Kali ni penat sikit men'drill' dinding. Macam nak pengsan rasanya. Tapi bila dah siap, rasa berbaloi... hehehe...

Sebelum ni pernah ternampak dah bracket tempat letak oven ni kat showroom IKEA dan memang dah berkenan nak beli, tapi masa tu tak jumpa lak kat mana letaknya benda tu. Tapi last week time kami ke sana, Alhamdulillah terjumpa. Rezeki... rezeki... heheh....

Dan akhirnya, berjaya jugak!

inilah rupanya bila dah siap

Breadmaker/Multifunction Oven kesayangan... heheh...

Basic Microwave... pun sayang gak ni, memudahkan kerja2 memasak dan menghangat...

Next, nak pasang shelf pulak. Tapi nanti2 lah, penat dah. Lagipun hari ni dah janji nak buat puding ngan anak2. Chow!

24 Oct 2010 @ 2:10pm

Friday, September 3, 2010

Amal's 4th Birthday

Birthday cake

Sweet princesses

Birthday gurl.... 4 years already...

Let's partay!!....

Birthday gift, bought at TESCO

Last girl standing... Aisyah stays up till midnight only to finish building up the blocks whereas Amal has already fallen asleep...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Upin Ipin & Ben 10 For Fathi

Previously, Disney Princesses for my 3 little princesses... now, Upin Ipin and Ben 10 for my little prince charming... :)

But of course, Fathi has only 4 teeth, therefore, he can't eat these... poor Fathi... huhuhu... but don't worry, nothing is going to waste coz his 'cece' (including my hubby) will gladly, voluntarily, finish it for him... :P

... me? I just love making it... (^_^)

May 21, 2010 @ 11:35pm

Homemade Chocolate

I've been searching for chocolate recipes for ages... and finally... my own homemade chocolate! Since my kids love chocolates so much, I would save a lot by making my own... hehehe... here's my first attempt... enjoy...

though it doesn't look so nice, but the kids love it!... need to improve the technique a bit...

need to work on the design... hmm....

Not bad for a first timer ey... googled the recipe in the net... pretty easy, no need to take a course... but to gain the knowledge and better technique, it's better to attend a course... me? I'll stick to the books and the net for the time being, but will surely attend a course one day... now, I just wanna focus on my kids, job and business coz that's what important to me...

May 21, 2010 @ 10:45pm

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Disney Princesses For My Lovely Princesses

May 12, 2010 @ 10:10am

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

There Goes My Talcum!!

I was busy in front of my PC... didn't realize what was happening in my bedroom... suddenly, Amal came out and called me. When I turned to her, I was surprised! She got some talcum residue on her. I quickly rushed to my room... Masya Allah!! Anis....................

I remembered seeing Anis took the talcum from the table, but didn't expect this to happen coz Amal was with her...

She didn't just pour the whole bottle on the floor, but she also 'showered' Fathi!

Fathi... enjoy being covered with talcum, and eating it!

look at my boy's hair... huhu
the work of art by Anis...

even after taking shower, Fathi's hair still has the talcum's scent... huhu

Next time, need to be extra careful... otherwise, don't know what else will Anis do with the talcum... huhuhu

May 11, 2010 @ 11:50pm

Lau Lin Oh Lau Lin... Yummy!!

Yeay!! It's DURIAN time!! My favorite fruit is back! This is what I've been waiting for. Syukur Alhamdulillah I'm already 7 months pregnant, it means I can enjoy eating 'Lau Lin' a.k.a Durian... yum... yum... ^_^

looks delicious...
bought packed ones coz it's cheaper... RM10/kilo is way too expensive... huhu


Don't know what type this one is, but don't care much, as long as it tastes good and I enjoy eating it... hehe

Thanks to my beloved hubby for letting me know that it's back and for buying it for me! Love you Bang... ^_^

May 11, 2010 @ 11:30pm

Friday, May 7, 2010

Simply Made, Simply Crashed... ^_^

Accidently made small sized cuppies... how to decorate these cute ones??... hmm...

waiting to be decorated...

finally, remembered a tip from a book I've read... easy!
but the filling was supposed to be chocolates instead of marshmallow... huhu

Fathi... making a cute face hoping to get the cupcake... hehe

at first, nice and slow....

hehe... demolition in progress...

finally.... crashed.... there goes my work! huhu...

May 7,2010 @ 9:30pm

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day to all moms out there... you are great moms!! These are made especially for my mom, who's in KT right now... huhu... LOVE you mama!! Miss you much!!

... before...

... after...

to mama, I love you... and to all moms out there, you are the greatest moms...

May 7, 2010 @ 8:00pm

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Plan B - An Ugly Truck :P

At first, I was thinking of making a shoe out of my swiss roll, but unfortunately, the fondant I made before got mouldy... huhu...

So, for the back up plan, I had to use frosting and had to choose another 'design' coz my kids wanted it decorated.

Before the 'rolling'

tadaa.... but not nicely done though...

The outcome : after about half an hour later... with short supply of accessories... and lack of time... huhu

... and yet, the kids love it! Syukur....

April 27, 2010 @ 8:30pm

Monday, April 26, 2010

Muffin Time!

Still busy... and yet, managed to make these for my dear princesses and prince...

Double chocolate muffins

Small cuppies for tiny tots ^_^

Only using these for today, got a bit lazy with the decorating


Eating time!

Soo happy...

April 26, 2010 @ 2:30pm

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Kitchen Time

Been quite busy lately. Still am... No time for story telling... huhu... just wanna share some pics, will explain later... ^_^

April 22, 2010 @ 2:30pm


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