Friday, May 27, 2011

Teacher's Day

When Aisyah's school held its Teacher's Day celebration, we were in KT, so we didn't get the chance to attend it. And I was quite busy that didn't get any chance of making anything for her teacher.

But syukur Alhamdulillah, I finally got that chance. Here are some pics of what I manage to prepare. Just a little something for her teacher...

A simple card for Aisyah's teacher

Copyright reserved (^^)
A special mini chocolate bouquet

Along with Garden Chocolate box filled with candies
Done @ around 2 or 3am... and my head is spinning and spinning and spinning....

New Experience!

Weekend lepas hubby ajak keluar round2 bersama anak2. Tapi bukan dengan kereta, but KTM! Just to let the kids experience new things.

Kami park kereta kat stesen Sg Buloh. Amik train dari situ, turun kat Mid Valley.

1st time nih...

kat Mid Valley
kebetulan ada mende nih... wah! excited!! my fav movie nih (^^)

more pics coming up... nak pilih2 dulu... (^^)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Jarum & Benang

Kebetulan hari tu back up Hard Drive PC. Sambil tu belek gambar2 lama. Terjumpa lah gambar2 ni...

Bila tengok balik gambar2 ni, teringatlah kat hobi lama... menjahit (reka2 design baju)... asalnya jahit baju raya Aisyah, jahit tangan jer coz masa tu belum ada mesin jahit. Tapi bila dah start balik hobi menjahit, hubby pun belikan mesin jahit cute (kecik), warna pink gitu... tapi gambar tak pernah snap... huhuhu...

Bila dah ada mesin jahit, maka bermulalah operasi menjahit baju kurung kanak2. Macam2 idea masa tu. Ada satu fesyen tu, ada tali kat bawah baju, boleh jerut :)

Setelah operasi selesai, teka apa jadi kat baju2 tersebut? (^^)

yang ni biasa jer, cuma leher bertali

yang ni ada tali kat bawah

yang ni pun

yang pink ni pun
Sekarang mesin tu tersimpan rapi, guna time perlu jer eg. time nak jahit langsir baru ker... hehehe

Monday, May 23, 2011

Fathi's New Haircut!

After days of planning, finally I got the chance to give Fathi a haircut. Wasn't easy as I thought it would be... huhuhu...

Syukur Alhamdulillah he didn't cry, but he also didn't sit still....
looks more like his Papa now

Look how happy he is... hehehe
When Hifdzi sees his koko with the new haircut, he puts his hand on koko's head thinking 
"Wow... koko's head looks like mine...." ngee :P

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Drawing Time!

drew this for Aisyah... she was so happy...

this one is also for Aisyah... drew one for Amal too, but different picture. I drew Pooh, Tigger and Piglet for her. Didn't get a chance to snap, the drawing got ruined... huhuhu
Got my old habit back! Drawing! I love to draw ever since I was a kid (just like any other kids), mostly cartoon character. Sometimes I draw portrait, but I'm not very good at that. But it's been very long time since I draw. Looking at the drawing block I bought for Aisyah, brings back some old memories... hehehe... I think I'll stick to this habit for my kids coz they love it when I draw for them.

Looking back to my childhood, I actually had interest in so many things. I learnt about lots of things from my mom - knitting, crocheting, sewing, baking and many other things. The only thing I didn't learn much from her was COOKING... hehehe... I wasn't really into it. But now I know it was a mistake, a big one! If I had learnt from her back then, now I would be able to cook like her coz she cooked deliciously. Not saying that I can't cook, just I couldn't cook most of the meal she used to cook for us coz those recipes were made by herself. She likes to create her own recipe, mixing stuff, put some of this some of that, and voila! Me? Still haven't got the 'magic hand'... But still, my cooking manage to make my family smile (^^)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Weekend @ Hutan Lipur Lentang

 Last Sunday, we went to Hutan Lipur Lentang. The kids were very happy.

Here are some pics I managed to snap...

enjoying the cold water... woohooo....
Hifdzi and me? just watching from aside... huhuhu
Anis was so adventurous... she enjoyed the water a lot!
snap my own pic with Hifdzi (^^)
Fathi was being dunked... hehehe...
where we sat that day
even had their breakfast in the water! unbelievable!
some monkeys were spying for food... huhuhu
testing my technique (^^)
a good Cece :)
take 5!
final rinse!
swimsuit model... (^^)
again, watching from aside... :(
3 princesses
otw back to the car
tired? exhausted? nope... definitely not! they were still energetic!
among the shops available
bridge to cross
more ahead

approaching the tunnel... my hand just couldn't stop snapping... hehehe
in the tunnel
such a beautiful view
love the green scene
beautiful sky... masya Allah...
such a wonderful scene... Subhanallah...
Aisyah didn't wanna go home yet. She wanted to stay longer... but we promised to go there again, next time, insya Allah....

Friday, April 22, 2011

Skincare vs Cosmetics

Sekadar gambar hiasan

Masa remaja dulu, tak faham tentang skincare dan cosmetic ni. Ingatkan semua yang pakai kat muka dikira sebagai make-up. Memang tak pernah kisah pasal bab2 ni, tak minat. Ada la pakai creme as a protection against the sunlight. Kalau tak silap, start guna creme tu masa Form 5, masa tu guna Ponds. Then tukar guna Oil of Ulan (OOU). Tapi sekarang dah panggil Oil of Olay, takder pulak panggil 'ooo' hehehe...

Then, bila terbeli yang tiruan punya, muka jadi gelap, terus tak pakai. Tukar Ponds balik. Tapi masa tu bukan apply tiap2 hari pun, just time nak keluar jer, coz tak nak bagi sunburn. But still, sunburn jugak!

Lepas kahwin, still cam masa bujang, tak ambil berat sangat bab2 skincare ni. Masa tu baru tahu, skincare ni seeloknya pakai full set (cleanser, toner, moisturiser). So, beli la full set, Artistry punya produk. But still with the same perception - apply time nak kuar rumah jer, tu pun kalau rajin... hehehe...

Lepas kahwin jugaklah baru tahu apa beza antara skincare dan cosmetic - yang mana skincare, yang mana cosmetic a.k.a make-up. Skincare ni penting untuk protect kulit dari damage. While cosmetic ni extra jer, optional and for me it's not important coz it's just colors and not meant to protect our skin.

Last year, lepas attend Beauty Clinic, baru saya dapat kesedaran tentang betapa pentingnya skincare ni. Tiap hari kulit kita terdedah pada Free Radical. Without any protection, kulit kita akan rosak, tua sebelum usia. Even if kita hanya duduk di rumah (in this case, it's me la), still kena ada protection. So, starting from that day, saya usahakan supaya everyday and night, saya apply skincare, kalau tak sempat nak pakai cleanser ngan toner pun, at least saya pakai creme. Tapi jangan salah faham yer, saya bukan bersolek yer, just skin protection. But actually, for us, housewives, it's important to look beautiful for our husband. Berhias2an dalam rumah, bersolek depan suami, dapat pahala. Cuma saya ni kurang arif bab2 make-up ni. Tahu apa Foundation, apa pemerah pipi, apa eye shadow, lip liner semua tu, tapi kalau letak semua tu kat depan saya... huhuhu... tak tau apa jadinyer... silap2 jadi clown... :P

And for me, dalam memilih produk apa yang kita nak beli sangat penting coz kita nak pakai kat muka, dan nilai muka kita bukannya murah tau! Tersilap beli perfume, takper, takder effect apa2 pada kita. Tersilap beli bedak pun, takper lagi. Tapi tersilap beli skincare, banyak effect dia. Kalau setakat gatal2 biasa, ok lagi. Yang teruknya, bila kulit asalnya cantik, tapi sebab tersilap pakai produk, jadi rosak - banyak jeragat la, mengelupas la.

So ladies, buatlah pilihan yang bijak supaya kulit kita maintain sihat dan cantik (^^)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

He's Doing It Again!

Antara aktiviti yang Fathi suka - bukak seluar, then bukak pampers! All by himself! Dah lama dah dia pandai bukak sendiri. Terlalu kerap, even if baru jer lepas tukar pampers. That's why kami terpaksa pin baju dia kat seluar, konon2 tak nak bagi dia bukak la. But guess what, that didn't stop him from doing so! Thus, saya pun bukan setakat pin kat depan, malah belakang pun pin jugak. Ingatkan problem settled. But guess again, pun dia boleh bukak lagi! Supposed, logically, dia dah takleh bukak coz pin depan belakang tu! But then... huhuhu...

Lama kelamaan, dia dah faham. Dia bukak bila pampers dah penuh dan dia nak suh tukar. So, saya just pin depan jer la, sebagai syarat jer. Coz kalau tak pin, seolah2 saya bagi kebenaran untuk dia bukak. But lately, dia start balik dah. So, kena pin depan belakang semula. But still, that doesn't stop him. Aduh la.... very tiring la... kejap2 ada yang melaung "Ma..... Fathi bukak pants!..." then "Ma.... Fathi bukak pampers!..." pakai balik... tak sampai setengah jam, bukak balik. Dari pagi sampai malam ulang proses yang sama. Kalau dia boleh stick to the pampers long enough, at least sampai betul2 perlu salin, bersyukurnyer.... hanya Tuhan yang tahu how that feels.... ni pun baru jer lepas pakaikan balik pampers dia! Hopefully dia behave la... adui la.... sayaaaaaang anak mama ni! masa kecik jer naughty tau! besar nanti insya Allah rajin tolong papa mama, jadi anak yang soleh, mukmin yang bertaqwa... insya Allah...

Maintain?? Am I?....

me and hubby... the kids are watching from aside... eheheh... (^^)

Soalan bonus yang sering ditanya oleh kawan2 especially kawan2 yang dah lama tak jumpa -
Macam mana saya boleh maintain?... walaupun dah beranak 5, tapi saya tetap sama cam kat U dulu...
Hmm... macam mana ek? Actually saya pun tak tau... yang paling lawak sekali, ada jugak yang menyangka saya pergi Gym... huhuhu...

Sebenarnya, saya TAK pernah pergi Gym... juga TAK pernah join mana2 program diet atau mengambil apa2 produk diet!

Apa tips dia? Maybe sebab saya ni kurang makan. Saya betul2 makan nasi normally sekali sehari. Selebihnya, saya 'cilok2' makan time suap anak2. And jarang sekali saya makan habis sepinggan sorang. Normally saya share ngan anak2 la. Saya makan selepas mereka makan, berhenti sebelum mereka berhenti. Dengan erti kata lain, saya jarang makan sampai betul2 kenyang!

Kat rumah, sambil buat kerja2 rumah, sambil layan anak2 - terkejar sana, terkejar sini. Kejap2 sorang panggil, kejap lagi sorang lagi pulak panggil. Kejap2 sorang mintak buat tu, buat ni, kejap lagi yang lain pulak mintak. Kejap2 sorang ngamuk, pastu yang lain pulak sambung - chain reaction... huhuhu... Start dari subuh, sampai la tengah malam, non stop. Mana sempat nak duduk sajer... tak cukup tangan!

Exercise? Dah lama betul saya tak exercise. Last sekali masa kat U dulu... huhuhu... Tae Kwon Do? Sempat masa 1st semester jer. Lepas tercedera, terus terkubur. Dah tak berapa ingat step2 dia. Tapi still ada impian untuk continue balik... insya Allah. Jogging? Hubby selalu ajak, tapi tak larat la nak jogging sambil dukung Hifdzi... nanti2 la... hehehe

So, tu lah dia cara saya maintain kot... oh ya! Satu lagi, saya breastfeed. Mungkin tu juga salah satu faktor dia.

Sekarang ni saya dah slow2 start exercise simple2 kat rumah. Bukan untuk diet, tapi untuk sihat. So, to all full-time moms, let's exercise! (^^)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Aisyah's Birthday Cake

Barbie cake as per requested by Aisyah...
... was planning to make a Barbie doll out of the cake itself, but didn't get enough time... huhuhu... this was done in just half an hour... poor Aisyah, she wanted a Barbie cake so badly... next time insya Allah... it's a promise!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Working Moms vs Housewives

One of my friends once said to me that she is too busy working when I asked her why did she quit running her business. She was very good at it. She also said that she has no free time coz she needs to make sure that her house is clean and tidy, her clothes are washed and folded, her husband and 2 kids are served, and she's about to have another baby. So, she's not willing to continue her business coz she's tired doing all those things. In her opinion, I'm in other hand is able to run a business coz I'm just a 'housewife', that I have a lot of free time. At first, I agreed. But then, I start to think, is it?

Let's think for a moment...

~ Compared to her, I have 5 kids, she has only 2... in the next few months, she'll be having another 1 which make it only 3. Still, I have more.
~ She said her kids differ only a year or a year and half between one another, same goes with me... my kids differ from only 14 to 18 months (except for the eldest and the 2nd one coz I had a miscarriage in between). So, we're even.
~ We both have no maid, but she's living right next to her parents' house, and she told me that she often send her kids over to her parents so that she could clean up her house or to get some rest. Me? I have to do all my houseworks by myself while taking care of my kids on my own.
~ I've seen her kids and they weren't active, they were easy to handle with. My kids in other hand, are soooo active, and by saying that, I mean really extremely active - 24x7 trashing, jumping, running, climbing, crying, yelling, shouting, messing and fighting. All these in my daily life, from 6am to 11pm or 12 midnight.
~ She thought I'm not working, well guess what, I'm working, from home. Yes I can choose my own time to work, but with 5 kids, try guessing how many hours I can work? Working at home is so much different from working at the office. At home, I can't concentrate on my work. It's hard for me to complete my task. Meanwhile, at the office, she is able to concentrate.
~ She said that everyday she needs to make sure that her house is clean and tidy, her clothes are washed and folded, her husband and 2 kids are served. Well, don't I? I too have a house to take care of, clothes to wash and fold, dishes to wash, food to prepare, kids to raise and watch over, husband to serve and look after, and compared to her, I have to do everything on my own, unaided.

I'm not trying to brag or whatsoever, there are many housewives out there and they all are much much better than me, much stronger than me, much greater than me. The reason why I'm writing this is because a lot of people out there often think that we, housewives are living an easy life at home. That we have no worries, and even worse, that we have a lot of free time.

If I only have one kid, I may have a lot of free time. I may have even spend half of my day sleeping or resting. But I don't, I have 5. But let me tell you, I may have a stressful life, I may have no time to rest, I may have less time to go shopping, but I'm happy with all I have, and I'm willing to spend whatever free time I have to run my business for the sake of my kids, because I love them so much, and I want to give them the best.

I believe, every and each of you out there, especially mothers, couldn't agree less, coz every mother wants only the best for their kids, and they are willing to sacrifice for them. Your kids are the REASON to give the best of you, not the EXCUSE to limit your abilities.

Love your kids by giving them the best...

To all MOTHERS out there, working or not, you are the BEST just by being a MOTHER!

Feb 23, 2011 @ 10am


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