Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hifdzi's 1st BD

July 18 - Hifdzi's 1st Birthday

"Happy Birthday to our beloved son, Hifdzi... may Allah bless you always... may you grow up to be a Mukmin Soleh and also as a Huffaz... may a great future lies upon you... and may every step you take is guided by IMAN... insya Allah.... amiin amiin ya Rabbal 'alamin..."

We are proud to have you and we love you sooo much... - PapaMama, Cece 2x and Koko

I baked Choc Moist cake, Toy Story theme for Hifdzi

Sleeping baby for Hifdzi

Monday, July 18, 2011

Merlin - Season 4 Spoilers

Series 4 of Merlin will air in autumn 2011. Its air date is not yet known. The series was originally cut to ten episodes from the previous series' 13 due to financial issues. It was deemed better to reduce the length of the series and maintain the quality rather than staying with 13 episodes but having to reduce the budget and therefor the quality for each. It was also originally rumored to air in early 2012, later than its usual slot in autumn so that it wouldn't clash with Autumn half of Doctor Who Series 6 running in the same period. However, Johnny Capps revealed on 18 March 2011 that the show has been increased to its original 13 episodes, opening with a two-parter. Filming started in mid-March 2011. Block 1 at Pierrefonds finished May 20th and the cast and crew should return to France for Block 2, starting June 20th and continuing until June 24th. This season is said to be darker than the rest, with the other three having a few violent scenes, and this one having much more. Most characters will show a darker side to their personality. Colin Morgan has revealed that Merlin series 4 will air in September or October 2011.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cikgu : "TAK Boleh!!"

Hari ni, lagi sekali Aisyah bagitau saya cikgu tak bagi dia ke toilet! Adoi la... dah la anak mama yang sorang ni tak tahan kencing. Cikgu pulak, semua tak bagi!! Masa belajar takleh gi toilet, masa perhimpunan lagi lah! Masa rehat jer yang boleh. Dah la masa rehat 20 min jer. Time tu lah budak2 nak makan, time tu jugaklah budak2 nak solat, dan time tu jugaklah budak2 nak kencing! Err... cukup ker agak2nyer?... belum campur ngan nak 'berebut' dengan ratusan pelajar lain (darjah 1 sajer dah lebih 500 orang!).

Memang la apa yang cikgu buat tu ada reason dia - maybe dia takut budak2 gi main, bukannya gi toilet. Tapi, rasanya cikgu boleh kenal budak2, yang mana betul2 nak gi toilet dan yang mana tak. Aisyah ni memang sensitif sikit (cikgu dia pun tahu), kalau cikgu marah dia takut dan tak berani, walaupun dia memang dah tak tahan sangat2 nak kencing, tapi once cikgu kata "TAK boleh!", 'kecut' la dia...

Cikgu sekolah dia ni 'macam2' sikit, ada yang style suka denda - sorang jer bising, satu kelas dia denda! Bukan nak salahkan cikgu tu, maybe dia stress coz pelajar ramai. Tapi, at least denda lah yang bising jer... kesian Aisyah, dalam kelas pendiam, tak berani pun nak bising, apatah lagi nak berjalan sana sini dalam kelas... tup tup, kena denda jugak!

Hopefully sekolah baru cepat2 lah buka, kesian kat pelajar2 coz too crowded, dan kesian kat cikgu2 jugak coz kena jaga ramai student yang macam2 ragam dan perangai. Pada cikgu2 yang dapat bersabar dengan karenah2 pelajar yang ramai - I salute you! ...while the rest - I pray for you to be patient... (^_^)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Amal's BD Cake - Choc Moist

Promised Amal a cake for her 5th birthday last month, but didn't get a chance to make one. Finally, got that chance on last friday and boy, she was so happy...

choc moist + choc ganache & Disney Princesses for topping
Ana Muslim for the  gurlz
Amal with her cake, so happy...
... and when Aisyah got home from school that day...

"Ma, birthday Aisyah nanti nak mama buat kek macam Amal..." (^_^)

Friday, July 8, 2011

New Blog - NZ Giftshoppe

Alhamdulillah... managed to create a blog for my online business... to all my Sahabat, do visit my NZ Giftshoppe...

Therefore, I hearby announce...

.: NZ Giftshoppe is officially opened :.

click here to visit or click on the oven on the left side

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ahlan Ya Ramadhan!!

Ahlan Ya Ramadhan!!

.: Pesta beribadah telahpun bermula
bersama tibanya ramadhan yang mulia
rahmat Allah melimpah untuk semua hambanya
nikmat Allah mengalir mencurah2

meriahkan ramadhan ini dengan beribadah
tingkatkan amal dan mujahadah
banyakkanlah berzikir dan baca al-Quran
muhasabah dan sucikan hati

Monday, July 4, 2011

Biskut Suji Kembali Lagi!!!

Versi untuk anak2...

Atas permintaan ramai, tahun ni saya buat lagi biskut suji. So, dah start edar sample dan amik order. Order dari kampung pun dah ada ni... Alhamdulillah, rezki dari Allah...

Pada sahabat2 yang nak order, boleh email to To CA, SPECIAL price awaiting!! (^^)

P/S : Gambar tak sempat nak snap coz dah nak habis anak2 dan hubby makan... hehehe... tinggal yang versi untuk anak2 tu jer...

Amal's 1st School Bag

BIG smile....
Amal : Pa, bila papa nak beli beg Amal?
Papa : Nanti papa beli...
Amal : Amal nak yang ada roda...
Papa : Yang biasa dah la Amal, yang ada roda tu berat...

Abang : Beg Amal dah rosak ker?
Ayang : A'a bang... dah berlubang dah...

Dah berhari Amal gesa suruh beli beg sekolah dia. Beg yang dia bawak gi sekolah tu yang Aisyah punya dulu. Masa awal tahun dulu, beg tu elok lagi. Suruh la dia guna yang tu dulu coz tak nak ajar membazir. Sekarang dah rosak, boleh la belikan satu untuk dia. Lagi pun, memang tak pernah lagi beli beg untuk dia. Kesian jugak, asyik amik yang Aisyah jer...

So, bila dapat beg semalam, happy la Amal... lagi bersemangat nak gi sekolah. Awal2 lagi dia dah masukkan buku dia dalam beg baru...

Kadang2, bila anak baru mula sekolah, kita rasa macam2 perlu beli. Tapi, sebenarnya apa yang perlu dibeli hanyalah barang yang belum ada atau yang dah rosak. Tak semestinya setiap tahun bila sekolah baru buka, kita kena beli beg baru, baju baru, kasut baru, semuanya baru sedangkan yang tahun lepas masih elok lagi.

Sayangkan anak bukan bererti kita perlu manjakan dia dengan kemewahan, sebaliknya kerana sayangkan anak lah kita perlu mengajar mereka nilai2 murni, eg. berjimat cermat dalam berbelanja.

Simple Sandwich

Was planning to make bread toast for breakfast one morning, but hubby said he wanted simple sandwich... so, simple sandwich it is...

.: Sometimes, simple things give more satisfaction than something special... some other time, simple things are just not enough... :.

.: Always put all your efforts when doing something... you'll see great result, insya Allah... but to see a greater result, ALWAYS put your HEART in it!! :.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Hifdzi; Di Sebalik Nama

Hifdzi, tersenyum riang...

Hifdzi... ramai yang jarang dengar nama tersebut. Kebanyakan orang lebih sinonim dengan 'Hafiz' atau 'Hafizi'. Ada juga yang bertanya apa maksud nama tersebut? Bagaimana pula ejaan Jawinya?...

Nama merupakan doa dan harapan kedua ibu bapa terhadap anak yang dilahirkan. Setiap kali kita memanggilnya dengan nama tersebut, kita sebenarnya sedang mendoakannya. Itulah antara sebab mengapa kami suami isteri lebih gemar memanggil anak2 kami dengan nama mereka berbanding gelaran 'kakak', 'adik', 'along', 'angah' dsb.

Dan sebab itu jugalah saya lebih gemar kawan2 memanggil saya dengan nama yang diberikan oleh kedua ibu bapa saya, NAJDAH berbanding gelaran atau nama singkatan yang diberikan oleh kawan2. Semenjak dari sekolah rendah, hinggalah ke sekolah menengah, malah di Universiti sekalipun, saya tak pernah introduce diri saya dengan sebarang nama singkatan. Najdah bermaksud 'Pertolongan/Penolong'. Mudah2an dengan memanggil saya 'Najdah', sahabat2 mendoakan saya supaya menjadi hambaNya yang suka menolong orang.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lessons I've Learnt

Yesterday was a bit hectic. Aisyah had an Isra' Mi'raj program at her Islamic School. Then I had to see her teacher to take her record book. I had to drive up the hill... a very steep hill... and for the 1st time! So yeah, I was nervous... but Syukur, I made it well, eventhough it was a bit rainy, and with Fathi and Hifdzi at the passenger seat.

Then at noon, as usual, I drove Aisyah to her Kebangsaan School. And as any other day, I had Hifdzi on my lap. As I got home, he was asleep. So I thought, I could leave him at home with Anis while taking Fathi to go buy some groceries. Unfortunately, he woke up as soon as I laid him on bed.

But fortunately, he fell back asleep half an hour later, along with Fathi and Anis. Wow... for the 1st time, everyone is asleep... I wanted to take Fathi, but since he was asleep and I couldn't wait for him to wake up, so I decided to go alone.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sukaneka PASTI An-Nur 2011 Cam1

Sukaneka PASTI An-Nur 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Ulu Yam, Gombak

Lucky draw hampers - this one is a contribution from Pengurus PASTI
Performance from 'Anak2 PASTI'
'Lari Berhalangan'
Nice car!

HAMCA 2011 Cam 1 (Hubby's)

HAMCA 2011
17 & 18 June
Some place far from hectic life, where peace can be found and joy can be earned (^^)

Among hundreds of pics taken by hubby...
Note : Synopsis can be found in the previous post...

2 Zs, Zahid and Zabri, laughing about 'something'...
Dz aka Dzorif, just dropping by, otw to Johore...
brrrrrrrrr... the water is sooooooo cooooooooooold........ but nice
Waiting for dinner

HAMCA 2011 Cam 2

HAMCA 2011
17 & 18 June
Peaceful area, with lots of trees and shelters and cold running water (^^)

Finally, after a LONG wait, we got the chance to reunite with some of our old friends from all over Malaysia. Thanks to our dear friends Atifah, Ayu, Za and the gang. Some couldn't make it due to some 'masyaqqah'. While some 'sacrifice' their time and money just to meet once again...

Near or far, is not what separates friends from one another... as long as their HEARTS are together...

Along the reunion...

2 cute gurlz competing in a challenge
boys, competing among themselves in the same challenge
WIDE step! hehehe...
what's this? hmm...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Wanna make your photo more interesting? Add some gadgets or effects. Many exciting webs available eg. this one. Here are some that I made using various sites... enjoy...

this one I love most (^^)
this one too (^^)

Pizza or Lasagna?

When I was looking for a recipe at myresipi, I accidently run into this unbelievable easy-to-make pizza recipe.

Knowing that my kids would surely love it, I made one last night.

Hubby was a bit confused by its look though. He was sure that it looks much more like Lasagna than a pizza. But that doesn't matter coz after having a bite, he loves it! And so do the kids... Alhamdulillah...

The recipe was actually called Upside-down Pizza. But I wanna rename it because I did a slight change to the recipe, I wanna call it Pizza Tunggang Terbalik... hahaha... just kidding... but I did change the ingredients for the topping just to suite my taste... enjoy...

Apam Polkadot

I've seen this a lot lately... I know that my kids would love it... tempted to try but didn't have the recipe. But as usual, thanks to myresipi I finally got it, Alhamdulillah...

1st trial, not so bad huh... and as per expected, the kids love it, my hubby too (^^)
Thanks to Sheely for sharing this lovely recipe... may Allah bless you...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Amal's 5th Birthday

This year, we celebrated Amal's BD @ Domino's. Used to love Pizza Hut, but lately, feel like Domino's has a better taste. 

Waiting for our order

...and as usual, Fathi's activity... huhuhu
Befday Gurl, Amal Hayati....
to Amal;
I pray for your happiness now and hereafter...
may Allah bless you always, may you have a great future,
may you grow to be a Mu'minah Solehah also a Mujahidah
may He protect you from every kind of evil and harm... amiin amiin ya Rabbal 'alamin...
We LOVE you and we're proud to have you...
Love; PapaMama

Homemade Ice Cream... yummy!!

Kids LOVE ice cream. Who doesn't? Everyone does, right? But to buy some everyday... huhuhu...

So, to solve the matter, I've googled a recipe for homemade ice cream. Syukur I found it here. Lots of choices.

The best thing about the site is that 90% of the recipe found turns out good! Enjoy...

1st trial... notice the texture is not smooth? well, that's because I took it out from the freezer couples of time to check on it before it hardens (wasn't being really patient... hehehe)
but the taste... yummy!! the texture should be nice if I took it out only after it hardens.....
Mmmmm..... Aisyah asked me to make strawberry flavored one, her favorite....
Best thing about the net - I'm able to look for recipes I desire, and the recipes are great!! Syukur....

~ Thanks to all for sharing great recipes thus making my kitchen-life better, easier and happier. May Allah bless us all, amiin...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Ayu's Wedding

Diary Cuti Sekolah, June 2011

As usual, bertolak dari KL seawal pagi. Straight ke KB, hanya singgah untuk solat subuh atau ke toilet.

Malam, attend majlis aqad nikah adik, Ayu kat KB. Majlis tu diadakan kat masjid berdekatan ngan rumah Ayu, tapi disebabkan kami tak pernah ke situ, sempat jugaklah makan 'buah langsat' (sesat)... hehehe...

Tapi, Alhamdulillah kami sempat sampai sebelum majlis bermula..

Ayu, roommate cum adik masa kat UiTM dulu
Tazkirah sebelum aqad

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Catatan Kehamilan Ke 5

I've been planning on writing this for ages... and only now I have the chance to do so...

Refreshing my mind.... 

My EDD was on 27 of July 2010, so we planned to head for Kelantan on the 22nd. Normally, I delivered within the 40th week of pregnancy, so our plan to hit the road on the 22nd was right. Unfortunately, on the 17th morning, I felt like I was having a contraction. But I thought it was nothing. So, we went out shopping as planned. I still felt the contraction though, sometimes.

When we got home that evening, we planned to head for Kelantan that night. But we were unsure whether that was the best decision to make. So we called mama to ask for her opinion. She told us to stay in KL. So, we went to the clinic instead to check on the baby, and guess what... I bleed! We chose to deliver the baby at Damansara Damai Medical Centre, the same clinic where I had Anis, but they wont take me coz I have no record there.

We had no other choice than to deliver the baby at Hospital Sungai Buloh... oh no!... government hospital?? our final choice! had to, not because we wanted to.... huhuhu....

First, we had to get someone to come over to accompany the kids. My brother couldn't come coz he had plans. So, we had to ask for my hubby's brother and his wife to come instead. Fortunately, they were available. So, we waited for them to come before going to the hospital.

They arrived at midnight. After everything had been settled, we went to the hospital. Done with the registration, I was warded. Hubby wasn't allowed to go in with me, so he had to wait outside :(

I stayed up all night, thinking whether or not to deliver the baby that night or just wait for tomorrow. I didn't know whether hubby was still waiting outside or he'd gone home to the kids. There was no way of knowing coz I couldn't get in touch with him... so difficult...

So I waited....

Ronda2 Kuala Terengganu (Cam 1)

Ronda2 Kuala Terengganu

To KT... yeay!!
Masjid Putih
Pasar Chabang... I think...
Ready to go out


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers