Friday, August 14, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

@ Ulu Yam

splish...splash...splosh...yey!... Aisyah and Anis were having so much fun that day... Amal??hmmm.... she wasn't really excited to stay in the water... it was sooo cold....

Written on July 21, 2009 @ 3:58pm

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mag Cover

Magazine? really??

By me... July 8, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

Musim Buah Di Kampung

Alhamdulillah.... Jumaat lepas sempat jugak balik Kelantan sekejap sempena musim buah.... banyak betul buah durian ngan manggis kat kebun abah.... hubby cakap, dulu masa kecil, dia selalu ajak kawan-kawan datang ke rumah, sama-sama panjat pokok, kutip buah..... sekarang ni, dah ramai kengkawan dia yang berhijrah ke kota.... tak dapatlah nak berkumpul macam dulu-dulu.... hari tu kami ajak jugak mana-mana kawan yang free.... Alhamdulillah, kebetulan kak Ma (Kasuma) ngan husband dia free.... dapat jugak berjumpa ngan mereka....

kami sebenarnya tak bercadang pun nak balik kampung coz cuti sekolah hari tu dah pun balik.... lagipun Aisyah sekolah and hubby takleh amik cuti panjang.... tapi, memandangkan sekarang ni musim buah, dan buah-buahan kat kebun abah menjadi, maka kami ambil keputusan untuk balik walaupun hanya untuk dua hari....

kalau setakat nak makan durian, kat KL ni pun boleh beli.... harga ok, RM8 sekilo bagi D24 ngan IOI.... tapi beli kat sini, dua benda jer lah yang kami dapat - makan durian ngan habis duit.... pastu diri sendiri jer yang happy....

berbanding kalau balik kampung, banyak yang kami dapat - jenguk mama abah di kampung, bawa anak-anak gi jalan-jalan (balik kampung), travel, jumpa ngan sahabat yang dah lama tak jumpa, makan durian and manggis, lagi banyak dari yang beli kat KL, and of course la, spend duit minyak and tol... tapi habis duit untuk balik kampung ni takper, bermakna, sebab bila balik kampung, boleh gembirakan hati parents....

time musim buah ni, kalau anak-cucu balik, mesti parents happy coz ada yang makan hasil tanaman mereka....

"tiada yang lebih menggembirakan hati ibu bapa selain dari menyambut kepulangan anak cucu mereka dari perantauan...."
Written on July 8, 2009 @ 4:51pm

Potluck - Durian

Last week we managed to held a reunion at our home on Sunday.... the theme was 'Potluck Durian' coz it's Durian season... yeay!

but only few could come.... kak Siti Norsiha and family, Samhan, and Tabarani and family.... they're all our friends from U.... we were very excited to meet them again after a long time.... but we didn't get the chance to capture the moment in our camera coz we were busy with our kids....

these are the only pictures I took.... my kids before the reunion and the dessert which I made a day before the reunion... hehe

Written on July 6, 4:15 pm

Karnival Sinar Islam @ Damansara Damai

Last weekend there was a carnival being held here at Damansara Damai known as Karnival Sinar Islam, and for the first time, my baby girl, Aisyah entered a Nasyid Competition.... boy I was sooo excited!.... she was too.... everyday after coming home from school she would talk about it....

but unfortunately, that day, I didn't get the chance to watch her singing on stage with her friends (5-year old group)....we went out that morning and got home late....then my hubby sent her to school to gather up with her teachers and school mates while I prepared the rest of our kids to go out....but then, my hubby didn't get the chance to pick me up coz he was on duty (he was assigned as a photographer for the event)....and when I finally got there, the result was already being announced....I was sooo devastated....

Aisyah's group didn't win coz all other groups were 6-year old kids....her group got number 8 out of 8...hahaha

pictures taken by my hubby...

the next day, there was a coloring competition and Aisyah really loves to color....but again, she didn't win coz we got there late and she didn't get to finish her coloring....

I told her that it was OK not to win coz winning is not the most important thing when competing, but the enjoyment of participating in such event is more important....

Written on July 6, 2009 @ 4.00 pm

Monday, June 15, 2009

Wif Horses

For the first time....I got the chance of holding a, I'll be riding one...hahaha

here horsy.....

this one looks feminine...

smile horsy....

recently born

little guys

this place is situated nearby Masjid Tengku Tengah Zahrah a.k.a Masjid Terapung, Kuala everyday for riding except for Mondays...huhu

Written on June 15, 2009 @ 6:17pm

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My Kids @ The Beach

For the first time, my kids got the chance of playing at the beach....actually, KNOWING the hubby took them there...we never really had the chance of going there everytime we went back to KT...

They had so much fun there...Aisyah kept asking my hubby to go there...except for Amal who was afraid of the water...she would rather stay in the car than out playing with her sisters....huhu

Written on June 14, 2009 (10:53am)

My School

During the school break, I got the chance of going back to my old schools (both primary and secondary) to have a look at it. But sadly, I totally forgot about my first school....oh well....I only spent a year there anyway...nothing to remember about....

here are some pics....

This is my second primary school, where I spent 3 years - 1st Grade to 3rd Grade (1989-1991)

before, I spent a year at Sekolah Rendah Tengku Bariah (SRTB) - 1st Grade (1988)

Here is where we perform solat before going home

This is the new building (new classes)....didn't have the chance to step my foot there till now...

Where it's situated
Used to be known as Muassasah Darus Salam

In the midst of the city of Kuala Terengganu....this is where I spent 2-3 months...end of 1997...I took it as a transit...hahaha

before, I spent 6 years studying at Ma'ahad Darul Quran, Rusila (Form 1 - Form 6) from 1992-mid 1997...I was 11 when I entered the school

This is where I took my SMU (1998) and SPM (1999) exams...I was 18...huhu...a year late than was supposed to...

My education background is a bit complicated...huhu...but still, that's what makes me so different than others...haha

After I got my SPM result, I furthered my studies at UiTM, Machang....

Written on June 14, 2009 (10:29am) a memory to remember in the future....something to tell my kids when they grow up...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

School Break

Eversince Aisyah started to go to school, we can only go back to our hometown during school breaks....which is so more our own free time....

this time, we went back to KT first coz on the first day of school break, our cousin got married at Paka. The night before, we stayed at Cherating (Ranting Beach Resort) where we grouped up with our parents and family. We got there exactly at tired....

The next day, we woke up early and departed to Paka at about 8am to join for 'aqad nikah' ceremony at Masjid Kampung Nyior. We stopped by at my sister's house on the way there to pick up some 'keropok'. After 'aqad nikah', we all waited at the mosque for the 'kenduri' which started at noon.

The bride and groom with the groom's family

Ainie a.k.a cik Ani

Mama a.k.a atuk

After having 'lunch' at the 'kenduri', we departed to KT. At about 4pm, we arrived at my dad's house....phew...what a long day....

Written on June 13, 2009 @ 12:56pm

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

6th Wedding Anniversary dusty in here....need to do some cleaning up.......

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.......there.....nice and clean (",)......

1st March 2009, our 6th anniversary.....hmm.....6 years already....Alhamdulillah.......

with 4 kids and no maid, we can't go out celebrating without bringing them all, so, there's no 'our' time......huhu.....but still, we have fun at Alamanda Putrajaya....

and our kids got a new toy, a set of Playdoh......they were so happy that after we got home that night from Putrajaya, they didn't wanna go to sleep though they were exhausted and feeling

here are some pics...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Cukur - Fathi

Alhamdu lillah…setelah berminggu tertangguh, akhirnya dapat jugak cukur rambut Fathi sebentar tadi. Asalnya nak cukur hari ke tujuh (ikut sunnah), tapi tak terbuat memandangkan masa tu baru lepas reda sakit rengat. Lepas tu plan nak cukur seminggu kemudian, tak dapat jugak memandangkan tak dapat nak ‘larikan diri’ dari Aisyah dan adik-adiknya. Bahaya jugak kalau diorang tengok, takut nanti ada yang ikut, kes naya… pas tu, sama jugak dengan minggu-minggu yang seterusnya…sampailah hari ni, baru boleh cukur coz kebetulan lepas balik sekolah tadi, Aisyah tertidur sekali ngan Amal dan Anis…hehhee…peluang dah tiba…

Kenangan Cukur Rambut Anak-anak

Dulu, masa cukur Aisyah tak yah lari dari saper-saper coz memang takder saper pun…hehhee…Cuma masa cukur Aisyah dulu, umur dia dah dekat nak setahun. Masa dia baby, takat gunting jer, tak berani punya pasal. Bila dia dah besar sikit baru berani cukur. Kesian pulak kat dia bila teringat balik… lepas cukur jer, terus mood dia jadi kurang baik, asyik sedih memanjang…maybe sebab dia dah besar, tetiba jer takder rambut, rasa dogol jer…

Time Amal pulak, sempat cukur dua kali. Masa tu, dah berani laa…dah ada experience…tunggu Aisyah tidur, line clear, boleh cukur.

Time Anis susah sikit, coz nak kena menyorok dari Aisyah dan Amal. Last-last, masuk bilik, tutup pintu, kunci…selamat…tapi kejap-kejap ada la yang ketuk pintu dari luar…tak layan…hehheee… Anis sempat cukur 4 kali jer. Plan nak cukur 7 kali, tapi lepas kali ke-4 tu, rambut dia lambat tumbuh. Takut jugak…nanti kang tak tumbuh-tumbuh, kesian pulak kat dia.

Time Fathi, dah citer dah kat atas…baru sempat sekali. Lepas ni tak tahu ada peluang lagi ke takder… tulah pengalaman cukur rambut anak-anak…

Fathi (sebelum cukur)

WIP (Work In Progress)
Dah sudah cukur... lepas pekena susu sebotol...upah...

Najdah MH
February 6, 2009


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers