Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Plan B - An Ugly Truck :P

At first, I was thinking of making a shoe out of my swiss roll, but unfortunately, the fondant I made before got mouldy... huhu...

So, for the back up plan, I had to use frosting and had to choose another 'design' coz my kids wanted it decorated.

Before the 'rolling'

tadaa.... but not nicely done though...

The outcome : after about half an hour later... with short supply of accessories... and lack of time... huhu

... and yet, the kids love it! Syukur....

April 27, 2010 @ 8:30pm

Monday, April 26, 2010

Muffin Time!

Still busy... and yet, managed to make these for my dear princesses and prince...

Double chocolate muffins

Small cuppies for tiny tots ^_^

Only using these for today, got a bit lazy with the decorating


Eating time!

Soo happy...

April 26, 2010 @ 2:30pm

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Kitchen Time

Been quite busy lately. Still am... No time for story telling... huhu... just wanna share some pics, will explain later... ^_^

April 22, 2010 @ 2:30pm

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Aisyah's 6th Birthday

Yesterday, March 22, was our princess, Aisyah's 6th Birthday. But we celebrated a day before coz yesterday my hubby was unavailable. We took the kids to Secret Recipe at Bandar Sri Damansara coz she said she wanted to have a cheesecake for her birthday.

choosing the cake... took quite a while coz the one she likes isn't available

Fathi, choosing a birthday cake for his 'cece'...

3 princesses... climbing the display counter to get a clear view of the cakes... huhu

Fathi, on his way to the kitchen... to help do the cleaning, as usual...

birthday cake

birthday girl, cutting the cake

yum... yum... Anis and her 'cece' are enjoying the cake while Fathi is enjoying the tour in the kitchen... huhu

with a former McD's employee who used to play with Aisyah when she was a baby...

Next in line, Amal.... she kept asking me when is her birthday coming... :)

March 23, 2010 @ 12:30pm

Monday, March 22, 2010

Hot Air Balloon Fiesta @ Putrajaya

Last Saturday, March 20, we took our kids to the Hot Air Balloon Fiesta held at Putrajaya. We planned to hit the road at around 7am, but due to some unexpected circumstances, we were only able to do so at 8:30am... huhu...

couple of the balloons

a heli, ready to give us a tour around Putrajaya, but have to pay RM120 per seat... pergh....

taking off

Amal was afraid to go near the balloon... she said it might blow off... huhu

paparazzi on the move... hehe :P

was actually hoping to see the orange or elephant head shaped balloon... but none were seen... :(

Fathi... enjoying the tour??... or the comfy ride... :)

didn't go near coz our kids might got interested... :)

don't know what it's called, but really wanna give a try... after giving birth of course...

take 5!

Fathi, finally out of his comfy ride... having fun running down the hill...
Aisyah, the guardian...

on our way to the booth

really really wanna try this...

looks fun

this one is great! big applause to the controller

every where Anis goes, one thing would attract her attention, like really really attracts her, BUBBLE!! got her one that day for RM15... pheww...

statue of??... hehe... next stop, Masjid Negeri, Shah Alam... have a meeting there...

though it was hot, very hot that day, but we were glad we could take the kids to the fair coz they were able to see the big 'scary' balloons with their own eyes... :P

March 21, 2010 @ 5:00pm

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Extra 20 Cents Just For Postcode!?

Got surprised, very surprised today when my hubby called and told me that I have to pay extra RM0.20 (stamp) for a piece of letter (makes it RM0.50 a piece) just because I wrote down the postcode at the lower right of the envelope. So ridiculous! And I need to post more than 350 pieces of letters, can you imagine how many extra money I have to pay!? Around RM70.00 (RM175.00 instead of just RM105.00)!!

When I was young, I used to do the same, and as I can remember, we used to have the kind of envelope which have boxes for postcode right at the bottom. Since when does this changed? Maybe I didn't notice, but still, extra 20 cents is too much for a simple mistake!!

I know that it's my own fault - writing down the postcode without prior checking. But I was only making it easier (in my opinion) for the delivery process - highlighting the postcode. Well, maybe it does sound stupid! But I was only trying to help.... :( but it costs me RM70 instead......

And you know what makes it worse? I have to either pay the extra money or to dispose the envelope and use a new one because I can't just simply erase the postcode. And even if I do manage to erase all the postcodes, I would still need to pay the extra 20 cents!! Can you believe that!!?

But what's even worse, eventhough I pay the extra 20 cents, the process is still the same, very slow! Typical! Poor hubby, he skipped his lunch and late for work just to help me.... hope nothing else happens next, who knows, more ridiculous procedures.

Thanks to my hubby.... :)

~ After I googled, I finally found out that Pos Malaysia started to have all these standards in Jan 2006. No wonder I didn't know. That time, most people use e-mail instead of post mail. I bet people at my age who used to do the same as I did would still be doing so.... But I couldn't find anything about penalty or the extra charge in the web. Well, maybe I overlooked.

The standard envelope

March 2, 2010 @ 1:45pm

Monday, March 1, 2010


Today is our wedding anniversary. But unfortunately, due to some reason, we have to postpone the celebration :(

For the past 6 years, since our first anniversary, on this day, we would go out for a special dinner, or out for a date. Erm... want to know a secret? We never went out on a date before we got married, not even once! We never even met face to face! In another word, we never coupled! That's why when we got married, lots of people got surprised! hehehe....

Since we never know how it felt to go out on a date or to have a candle light dinner, we've decided to do so on our wedding anniversary. We planned on having a special time every year on this day. Having many kids never stopped us from doing so. We either go out with all our kids, or just get something special and enjoy it with our kids at home.

March 1, 2010 @ 5:55pm

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Alahai Anis.......

(sekadar gambar hiasan)

As usual, time dekat-dekat nak maghrib ni rush hour. Macam-macam la gelagat and request dari empat orang ni...

Lepas semua dah settle, barulah dapat meloloskan diri ke toilet untuk amik wudu'. Baru jer nak amik wudu', tetiba dengar cam ada orang panggil. Rupa-rupanya Aisyah melaung dari luar bilik. Mula-mula tu tak clear sangat apa yang dia cakap coz bunyi air, tapi bila dengar betul-betul.... masya Allah... nak luruh rasanya jantung ni, terkejut manusia (biasa-biasa orang cakap terkejut beruk, tapi tak nak ah mengaku beruk... hehe)....

Nak tau apa yang Aisyah cakap? jeng jeng jeng....

"Maaaaa....... Anis bukak pampers.... Anis yak yak (berak) !!!!!!!!"

Masya Allah!! Anis... Anis... bila dah dengar camtu, terbantut hajat nak amik wudu', terus cancel and terus keluar toilet. Bila Anis nampak saya, dia terus hulurkan pampers kat saya. Kat atas lantai ada la seketul 'yak yak' yang jatuh dari pampers. Aduss.... lemah semangat.... tapi Alhamdulillah la tahi keras, bukan cair. At least boleh gak kutip balik... huhu

Lepas serahkan pampers kat saya, Anis terus menghilangkan diri ke toilet. Alhamdulillah saya masih boleh bersabar, takder rasa nak marah... lagipun takleh nak marahkan dia coz bukannya dia buat kesalahan dan memang tak patut dimarahi pun... tapinyer, bertambah satu lagi kerja, nak kena lap! aduhai anak mama... huhu

Memang Anis dah biasa bukak pampers sendiri kalau dia rasa tak selesa, nak salin pampers, ataupun mogok gara-gara merajuk. Tapi tak pernah la pulak terjadi kes macam ni! Selalunya kalau dia berak, dia bagitau saya atau papa dia, dia takkan bukak pampers kalau dia dah berak. Ni mesti gara-gara nak tunjuk perasaan ni! Maklumlah, nak dapat adik baru... huhu... sabar jer lah....

Dah settle apa yang patut, settle Anis lak. Dia tengah syok main air kat dalam toilet, siap basuh yak yak sendiri lagi! Adoi laa..... penat... penat...

February 11, 2010 @ 8:20pm

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Madu Asli - Penawar Sakit Mata

Jumaat lalu, masa bangun nak solat subuh, mata rasa gatal-gatal dan ada tahi mata (antara simptom sakit mata). Bila tengok kat cermin, memang sah! Dah sakit mata! aduhai... dari mana la pulak berjangkit ni.... ujian dari yang maha Esa.... dah la keesokan harinya ada seminar penting kat PJ! Macam mana ni....

Lepas solat, teringat pada nasihat adik ipar, Ainie dan sorang sahabat CA, Samhan masa sakit mata tahun lepas. Diorang cakap, kalau sakit mata, titikkan madu asli dalam mata. Masa tu, takut nak titik coz tak yakin. Tapi kali ni, tawakkal jer lah coz esok nak gi seminar. Kalau gi klinik, sah lambat sembuh, maunya seminggu. Silap-silap berjangkit pulak ke hubby dan anak-anak. Lagipun, bukankah dalam Al-Quran sendiri ada sebut bahawa madu ni penawar penyakit. So, titik jer lah... huhu

Alhamdulillah kat rumah memang kitorang ada prepare Manuka Honey UMF18, in case kalau batuk. So, apa lagi, 'colek' sikit kat hujung jari, pastu sapu kat mata. Fuhh!! Tak dapat nak ceritakan macam mana rasa dia.... just @#*%$&@!..... patut la adik cakap kawan dia meraung... huhu... tapi takder la sampai nak menangis atau meraung, just @#*%$&@!...

Ingatkan saya jer yang sakit mata, rupa-rupanya Fathi pun sama! Apa lagi, amik madu, sapu kat mata dia. Alhamdulillah dia tak meraung, dia just gosok-gosok jer mata tu... fuhh... lega... hehe

Adik cakap, amik masa sehari gak untuk sembuh. Tapi syukur Alhamdulillah tak sampai tengahari, dah tak merah. Syukur....

Sebenarnya, ada dua sebab kenapa saya berani sapu madu kat mata :

1. Sebab yakin madu tu adalah penawar.
2. Sebab yakin madu Manuka UMF18 yang ada kat rumah ni madu yang betul-betul asli. Kalau tak, tak sapu gak... hehe

Beberapa hari lepas tu, bila bangun tido, still ada tahi mata sikit-sikit. Cuma Alhamdulillah dah tak merah dan tak gatal, and paling menakjubkan, tak berjangkit kat saper-saper... syukur Alhamdulillah... dapat gi seminar weekend tu....

Lepas ni kalau ada saper-saper yang sakit mata, boleh la try. Tapi make sure madu tu yang betul-betul asli....

February 10, 2010 @ 8:00pm


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers