Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Big Bad Wolf!!

If I'm to go hiking, I'm more than 100% sure that I wouldn't wanna come across with a wolf, not to mention a big and bad ones ;)

But this 'wolf', eventhough it's both BIG and BAD, I'm pretty much sure that thousands of people are dying to meet…hehehe…

Heard 'bout it from some of my friends and relatives tru Fb. Was actually kinda 'dreaming' to go. So when hubby said he wanna go and take a look, I was like hoorayyy!! ngee…

But if you wanna go there, make sure your tummy is full coz you would be spending hours and hours just browsing tru all the books! But not to worry though coz there are plenty of food courts around. Just have the money, and you can stay there all day long!

We managed to grab few books. Couldn't stay long coz my tummy was grumbling ;P

But just on our way out, there was another section…lotsa cool stuff…managed to grab few stickers and some patterned paper… off to lunch then…

Our visit to the Big Bad Wolf Book Sale was quite short. But it was more than enough. One thing though, I still can't quite understand how does the 'big bad wolf' relate to book sales? hurm…

Well, for more info, visit here

Dec 12, 2013 @ 2305hrs

Cute Stickers

Found these cute stickers @ Popular when I was shopping for my craft materials 2 nights ago. Was a bit sad coz what I really wanted is out of stock. But I wouldn't say my visit to the store was a waste of time (at least not entirely) considering what I got :) Plus, the price is reasonable…and I did get 70% discount (which I didn't realised until I got home) hehehe…

Dec 11, 2013 @ 0101hrs

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Mini Album - Almost Done!

Still working on my mini album project. I would say it's 80% done Alhamdulillah :)

Got some photos developed to fill the album…costs me RM2 per piece! Wow!! Never thought a piece of photo would cost that much nowadays…huhuhu…well, maybe because the size is small…but shouldn't smaller size cheaper than bigger ones?…weird…

Dec 11, 2013 @ 0028hrs

Monday, November 25, 2013

Mini Album

My on-going project, a purse-mini-album… been planning to finish it before my due… but seems like I have to set a new deadline since I already gave birth to our prince 2 weeks ago , and it is still 'on-going' (^^)

Nov 25, 2013 @ 2244hrs

Blogging Again!

Wow!! How time flies!! It's been more than a year since my last post and I didn't even realise it!

It's Nov now… and 2013 is about to end… a year full of memories… sweet and sad… there's so much to tell… so much that I don't even know where to begin…

All I can say is, this year affected me deeply… things that happened, made me think about lots of things… made me realise about life itself…

I want to keep everything remembered… every single event in my life so that one day me, my hubby and our kids can read it together… and there's only one place to keep it safe, that is HERE! In this blog! So, from now on, I will keep on blogging… I will keep all our memories safe and sound in this blog, insyaAllah…

Najdah MH
Nov 25, 2013 @ 2217hrs

Monday, July 30, 2012

Merlin S5 This Coming Sept...Yeay!!

Merlin S5's promo pic with the tagline, 'The Die Is Cast'

It has been confirmed that Merlin S5 will air in this coming Autumn (late Sept). Good news indeed!! (^^)

It's said that Merlin has grown up in this season. It's also said that there are gonna be some changes. Wonder what's it gonna be... boy... can't wait for Sept to come... but one thing for sure, Merlin's outfit will REMAIN the same, year after year... poor Merlin... It's said that his outfit is kinda his TRADEMARK... huhuhu... must have dozens in his wardrobe... hihihi...

For those who wanna have a glimpse of what's coming up in season 5, click here and enjoy the short trailer by BBC. For those who dislike teasers, just ignore the link. Enjoy!!

Najdah MH
July 30, 2012 @ 10:30am

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Unifi router

Alhamdulillah, since we changed to Unifi, the internet connection is SUPERB! No more 'buffering', no more 'no connection', no more 'connect-disconnect-reconnect' the line... blogging, Fb-ing, net-surfing are much faster and easier than before... so grateful!

Plus, we get 15 free TV channels with HyppTV along with radio channels (HotFM, FlyFM etc). Just like Astro! And for the 1st month after installation, we get FREE 52 channels! Wow!

The kids love Nick Jr (channel 132), a cartoon channel. For me, this channel is a lot better than TV9's cartoon series coz in this channel, they only have educational cartoons. And Fathi learns a lot from them.

There's more! We also get fixed line at home. FREE calls to fixed line! How great that is!

Boy! I'm so grateful to have Unifi installed at home. Thanx to hubby (^^)

Not just that, I'm so happy coz I'm able to help my friends to get Unifi installed at their home. For those who are interested, give me a call guys (^^) insya Allah I'll be able to help.

Najdah MH
July 12, 2012 @ 10:40am

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Room Makeover

1/4 completed

I'm now in the process of 'Room Makeover'... need to clean-up 2 rooms... lots to be done... there are things to be disposed... things to be given away... and syukur Alhamdulillah I've completed halfway of it (^^) looking for another chance to finish it up... a bit challenging though now that I have to concentrate on my baby and both Fathi and Hifdzi are still giving me attitude... huhuhu...

Hopefully all the cleaning-up job will be completed before Ramadhan, insya Allah... (^^)

Najdah MH
July 10, 2012 @ 1:40pm

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Set Bersalin

Alhamdulillah, thanx to my beloved hubby coz belikan set bersalin Tropical Herbs ni. Walaupun berpantang sendiri, tapi still boleh guna set bersalin coz yang ni senang sangat nak guna. Semuanya dah disukat dan dipek berasingan, so dah tak perlu nak sukat lagi dah. Semuanya boleh buat sendiri. Bengkung pun boleh pakai sendiri jer, tak perlu tunggu hubby balik baru boleh pakai.

Sebelum2 ni kami dah survey set2 bersalin yang ada kat kedai2. Macam2 brand dan macam2 harga. Setakat yang kami survey, yang ni paling lengkap, senang nak guna and paling murah compared to set bersalin yang branded yang dijual kat kedai2. Bukan tu jer, beli set bersalin ni dapat bengkung FREE (^^).

Set bersalin Tropical Herbs

Lengkap... semuanya ada...

Semuanya dah dipek, senang nak guna, tak perlu nak sukat sendiri...

Yang untuk dalaman (makan/minum) pulak, satu jenis jer setiap hari... habis teh ni baru start makan jamu...
so, takder lah banyak sangat nak kena makan dalam satu hari tu... perut baby pun tak meragam insya Allah...

Najdah MH
June 19, 2012 @ 1:00pm

Monday, June 18, 2012

Supplement - Kenapa Ia Penting

Antara supplement yang diambil setiap hari

Lepas bersalin kali ni, seluruh badan rasa sakit2 coz baby agak besar, so masa teran tu banyak guna tenaga. Memang berbeza sangat la berbanding masa bersalin anak2 yang lain2. Nak jalan pun kena slow2. Teringat masa bersalin Aisyah dulu, lepas bersalin dah boleh berlari. Sihat dan bertenaga. Tak macam orang lepas bersalin (^^).

Tapi walaupun badan rasa sakit, syukur Alhamdulillah, bila maintain ambil supplement, saya masih boleh tolong hubby uruskan rumah. Hari ke 3 bersalin, saya dah boleh basuh baju sementara hubby tolong uruskan anak2 dan kemas rumah. Cuma pergerakan tu agak slow sikit la...

Kesian pulak kat hubby, macam2 karenah anak2. Kejap2 kena sapu lantai. Lepas tu kena mop pulak coz ada yang makan bersepah, ada yang tuang air atas lantai. Syukur sangat2 coz saya masih dikurniakan sedikit tenaga untuk assist hubby uruskan rumah. At least, saya boleh kurangkan sikit kerja hubby kat rumah ni.

Ramai yang bertanya, tak balik berpantang di kampung ker. Bukannya tak nak balik, tapi anak2 sekolah. Lagipun, memang dah biasa berpantang sendiri di KL ni sejak anak ke 2 lagi dah.

Bila difikirkan, memang penting sebenarnya ambil supplement ni. Badan kita jadi lebih sihat dan bertenaga. So, thanx a lot to my hubby coz sediakan set supplement yang cukup lengkap untuk saya. Bila maintain ambil supplement setiap hari, walaupun badan rasa sakit2, tapi still mampu untuk buat kerja rumah.

Dan hari ni, hubby dah start kerja. So, semua kerja rumah, saya dah kena buat sendiri, termasuklah melayan karenah 6 orang anak yang masih kecil. Walaupun baru seminggu bersalin, tapi saya rasa syukur sangat2 coz saya dah boleh uruskan rumah dan anak2 seperti biasa. All thanx to Allah di atas rezki yang dikurniakan, dapat la kami sefamily maintain ambil supplement and also to hubby coz always prihatin tentang kesihatan kami sefamily... I love you bang... (^^)

Najdah MH
June 18, 2012 @ 10:45am

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Catatan Kehamilan Ke 6

For the first time, baby overdue. Others semuanya bersalin awal. Kali ni overdue 3 hari. Tapi walaupun dah sarat, malam sebelum due sempat lagi ke rumah ayah saudara kat Gombak... hehehe... semua terkejut bila saya cakap due keesokan harinya sedangkan saya masih larat mendukung Hifdzi dan kelihatan bertenaga...

Ahad, 10 June : Hubby ada appointment dengan kawan dia. Plan tengahari tu nak bawa anak2 keluar jalan2. Tup tup, keluar tanda ('turun darah'). So, terpaksa cancel... kesian pulak kat anak2...

Selepas siap2, hubby bawa saya ke klinik. Doktor cek, jalan baru buka 2cm. Tapi dia suggest supaya terus admit. So, kami pilih untuk admit ke wad satu katil (bilik Jupiter). Senang nanti anak2 boleh datang visit.

Anak2 datang visit

Seronok main dalam bilik sambil tengok kartun... huhuhu...

Ni lah ragam anak2 bila datang visit. Berlari ke sana ke mari, panjat katil, conquer katil, tengok kartun... huhuhu... Alhamdulillah kami admit ke wad satu katil... kalau tak....

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Amal's 6th BD

Celebrated Amal's 6th birthday @ McD.

Birthday card specially made for Amal

Papa Mama doakan semoga Allah sentiasa merahmati Amal...
mudah2an Amal menjadi anak yang solehah...
dan semoga Amal membesar menjadi Mu'minah Mujahidah, insya Allah...

Najdah MH
June 9, 2012 @ 6:20pm

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Time For A Haircut!

I've been planning to give Fathi a haircut for weeks now. His hair has grown long. And only today I've got the chance to do so...

Some people prefer to bring their kids to a barber, but I prefer to cut my kids' hair myself. I've been doing it since my eldest was a baby up till now.

Cutting a boy's hair should be easy, but what makes it hard is that Fathi can't stay put. He keeps moving his head up and down, forth and back! Alhamdulillah it turns out well... otherwise I would have to shave his head... huhuhu...

*No pic taken coz I was too busy cutting Fathi's hair...

Najdah MH
June 6, 2012 @ 1:10pm

Monday, June 4, 2012

More @ TUDM Open Day

With hubby's friend

Left the event somewhere around noon. Head straight to Masjid Damansara for Zohor prayer and change our clothes. Then, to my cousin's wedding reception at KGPA.

Najdah MH
June 4, 2012 @ 11:40pm

TUDM Open Day

@ car park C... way too far from the event site... huhuhu
~ brought my sister along, she just got here from KT

So many people....


More pics coming up...

Najdah MH
June 4, 2012 @ 11:30pm

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Fathi & Hifdzi's Car Collection

Among McD's collection

Monster Truck, the latest edition
~ Hubby bought it last night

Fathi's... a gift from McD's staff

Lightning McQueen... Fathi's most favorite one...

These are just part of my boys' collection... huhuhu... such a BIG fan of cars, especially Lightning McQueen... vroom... vroom... (^^)

Najdah MH
June 2, 2012 @ 11:18am

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Berbisnes Sejak Kecil

Illustration only - source Google

Bila Aisyah tengok kami suami isteri giat menjalankan aktiviti bisnes, either here in KL ataupun time balik kampung, dia pun jadi excited nak buat bisnes. Dari darjah 1 dia mintak dengan saya nak jual apa2 kat sekolah, dan selalunya dia mintak saya buat coklat. Tapi masa dia darjah 1 saya cakap kat dia tunggu dia besar sikit coz dia belum biasa berurusan dengan duit.

So, tahun ni, pada mulanya, saya bekalkan dia dengan biskut yang dipek kecik2 untuk dijual di sekolah. Saya jual murah2 jer coz customer dia budak2 kelas dia, darjah 2. Prinsip kami suami isteri dalam berniaga, biar semua orang berpuas hati. In this case, kami tak nak la parents tak suka anak2 dia spend banyak duit. Selain dari tu, kami juga akan pastikan barang yang dijual, berguna kepada kawan2 dia.

Again, @ DARC

Najdah MH
May 31, 2012 @ 12:10pm


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers