Saturday, April 25, 2015

Ramadhan Bulan Gembira Dan Sedih Bagiku

Photo dari Google

Setiap kali dengar nasyid Ramadhan nyanyian Maher Zain, hatiku pasti terasa sayu... lebih-lebih lagi di saat Ramadhan makin menghampiri... aku gembira dengan kehadiran Ramadhan, tapi dalam masa yang sama aku merasa sangat sedih kerana di bulan yang mulia ini dua tahun yang lalu, ayahku pergi meninggalkan kami buat selamanya...

Aku tahu, sepatutnya aku berasa gembira dengan kedatangan bulan Ramadhan kerana hadirnya bersama dengan peluang keemasan bagi kita umat Islam untuk merebut ganjaran yang berlipat ganda. Kehadiran satu bulan yang amat dinantikan oleh seluruh umat Islam di serata pelusuk alam!

Tapi, hadirnya turut menggamit kenangan dua tahun lalu. Perasaan sedih kembali bertandang di hati. Sungguh aku merindui ayahku... masih ku ingat saat-saat ku tatap wajah ayahku buat terakhir kalinya... dahinya ku cium... lafaz 'I love you' ku ungkapkan di telinganya meskipun ku tahu, lafazku takkan bersahut... ku tatap wajahnya buat kali terakhir sebelum dilitupi kain kapan...

sungguh aku merinduimu...
tiap kali ku tatap potretmu, aku seakan terdengar suaramu berbicara denganku...
terlalu banyak yang ingin kuceritakan padamu...
tentang kehidupanku...
anak-anakku yang kian membesar...
terutamanya Muaz yang tidak sempat mengenalimu...
Muaz yang memiliki raut wajahmu...
tiap kali ku lihat Muaz merenung jauh, aku seakan menatap wajahmu...
sungguh hatiku pilu...

damailah dikau di sisi Penciptamu...
aku di sini akan sentiasa merinduimu....

Luahan hati
Anakmu, Najdah
April 25, 2015 @ 1100 hrs

Monday, March 16, 2015

Diary Germany - Switzerland (Hari Pertama)

Penerbangan dari Singapore ke Frankfurt mengambil masa selama 12.5 jam. Satu tempoh yang agak panjang. But since kami sudah biasa travel dari KL - KT - Kelantan untuk tempoh yang lebih kurang sama, tempoh yang panjang ini bukannya menjadi masalah utama bagi kami. Apa yang agak merisaukan kami adalah perbezaan masa yang akan kami alami nanti, atau lebih dikenali sebagai 'Jet Lag'.

Perbezaan masa antara Malaysia dan Frankfurt adalah sebanyak 7 jam, di mana Malaysia lebih awal 7 jam dari Frankfurt. Bagi aku yang pertama kalinya travel oversea, tempoh itu agak panjang. Mudah2an perjalanan kami nanti berjalan dengan lancar insyaAllah.

Flight kami dari Singapore adalah pada jam 1:50 petang. Kami boarding lebih kurang pada jam 1:40 petang. Tidak lama selepas itu, kapal terbang yang kami naiki berlepas dari Changi Airport, membelah awan menuju ke Frankfurt. Bismillahi tawakkaltu alallah, la haula wala quwwata illa billah...kembaraku ke negara Eropah kini bermula...

Penerbangan ke Frankfurt agak memenatkan kerana sepanjang perjalanan adalah waktu siang. Beberapa jam pertama, Alhamdulillah aku tidak mengalami sebarang masalah. Tapi setelah tibanya waktu malam (waktu Malaysia), kepalaku mula terasa pening. Mengikut caturan default setting processor otakku, sudah tiba waktunya untuk aku melelapkan mataku, merehatkan badanku yang seharian penat bekerja. Tapi keadaan di luar kapal terbang yang cerah dan cahaya matahari yang memancar terik menyukarkan keadaan untukku melelapkan mata. Meskipun tirai dijatuhkan, namun masih terasa kehangatan matahari di dinding badan kapal terbang, memberi signal kepada badanku, malam masih belum tiba.

Berkali2 aku cuba melelapkan mata. Dan sesekali aku berjaya. Namun lenaku tak panjang. Aku kerap terjaga. Dan tidurku yang sering terganggu itu menambahkan lagi berat kepalaku. Sesekali aku menonton filem The Expendables 3, lakonan Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham dan lain2 untuk menghabiskan masa. Movie yang kukira agak menarik, tapi disebabkan keadaan yang kurang selesa, aku tidak dapat betul2 menghayati jalan ceritanya.

Lunch di dalam Silk Air
Setelah tiba waktu makan, kami dihidangkan dengan Halal meal yang berupa roti, salad, sepotong kek lapis pandan serta hidangan utamanya, lamb.

Belum pun sempat aku menghabiskan hidangan tengahari, pramugari sekali lagi mengagihkan makanan kepada penumpang pesawat. Kali ini yang diagihkan adalah dessert. Ais krim Magnum! Wah! Inilah dessert yang paling best sekali :)

Tiba di ruang udara Germany. Malam mula menunjukkan diri.

Alhamdulillah, setelah 12.5 jam berada di udara, akhirnya kami selamat mendarat di lapangan terbang Frankfurt. Penerbangan selama lebih 12 jam itu Alhamdulillah berjalan dengan lancar walaupun sesekali kapal terbang bergegar tatkala kami bertembung dengan turbulence.

Malam ini, kami check in di Mercure Hotel, di Bensheim, Hesse, Germany. Suhu pada ketika ini adalah 0 darjah celcius. Setelah membersihkan diri serta menunaikan solat jama' Maghrib dan Isya', kami terus merebahkan diri, melelapkan mata menghilangkan penat setelah seharian travel.

Catatan ini ditulis di Mercure Hotel, Bern, Switzerland pada jam 10:20 malam pada suhu 3 darjah celcius.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Diary Germany - Switzerland

Buat pertama kalinya aku akan meninggalkan anak2ku untuk tempoh yang panjang. Satu minggu lamanya!...hati ini berasa sedih...tapi sesekali aku perlu berjauhan dari mereka supaya mereka boleh belajar berdikari...supaya mereka tidak terlalu bergantung kepadaku...supaya mereka saling menjaga antara satu sama lain...insyaAllah, mudah2an mereka sentiasa berada di dalam perlindungan Yang Esa.

Jam 10 malam, aku dan suami dihantar ke airport Kota Bharu oleh abang sulong suamiku, abang Kie dan diikuti oleh Aisyah dan Amal. Yang lain2 sudah lena dibuai mimpi kecuali Anis yang agak cool untuk ditinggalkan dan Hasan yang didukung oleh ibu mertuaku, mama. Hasan seperti tahu kami akan keluar untuk tempoh yang agak lama. Dia enggan untuk melepaskan aku. Dia ingin bermanja denganku lebih dari biasa. Oh Hasan...buah hati mama...mama pasti akan merinduimu setiap saat...

Di sepanjang perjalanan ke airport, Aisyah dan Amal kedua2nya berebut untuk duduk disampingku, memelukku dan bermanja denganku. Sesekali aku mengingatkan mereka supaya tengok2kan adik2, supaya mereka memudahkan atuk mereka selama mereka berada di kampung.

Abang Kie sekadar menghantar kami di pintu masuk airport kerana dah agak lewat malam. Lagipun keesokan harinya dia bekerja. Flight kami ke KL pada jam 11.10 malam. Kami boarding pada jam 10.30 malam. Penerbangan dari KB ke KL mengambil masa 45 minit.

Kami tiba di KLIA2 tepat pada jam 12 tengah malam. Setelah mengambil baggage, kami tercari2 port untuk melepaskan lelah. Malam itu, agak ramai travellers macam kami. Rata2 tempat dah dipenuhi orang. Akhirnya, kami dapat tempat duduk. Tapi agak kurang sesuai untuk merebahkan badan.

Setelah berbincang, kami beredar untuk mencari hotel. Aku terpandang sign Cube Container di sebelah pintu masuk lift. Agak menarik. Sesuai untuk travellers bermalam selama beberapa jam sebelum menaiki flight ke destinasi masing2. Tanpa membuang masa, kami terus ke sana. Tempatnya agak menarik, agak besar. Kami kira, cukup selesa. Lelaki dan perempuan diasingkan. Bagus! Keselamatan terjaga. Rate pun agak murah. RM75 untuk 6 jam, seorang. Tapi sayangnya, sudah FULL! Tiap malam memang full kata receptionist di situ. Aduh...katanya lagi, kalau nak bermalam di situ, seeloknya buat online booking terlebih dahulu.

Dia kemudiannya menyarankan kami ke Tune Hotel yang berada di sebelah KLIA2. Tapi rate di Tune Hotel agak tinggi coz dikira per nite. Nak tak nak, kami terpaksa ke sana juga demi melelapkan mata yang makin berat untuk dibuka.

Setibanya di Tune Hotel, kami bertanyakan rate sewaan bilik untuk satu malam di meja receptionist. Katanya hanya ada 2 jenis bilik, satu RM300 manakala satu lagi RM350. Untuk mendapatkan rate yang lebih murah, kami boleh book secara online. Wah! Agak mahal untuk disewa sekadar untuk merehatkan badan selama beberapa jam. Tapi memandangkan keadaan agak memaksa, akhirnya pada jam 2.30 pagi, kami check in dengan kadar sewaan RM250.

Setelah membersihkan diri, kami terus melelapkan mata. Kami perlu recharge badan untuk perjalanan yang lebih panjang keesokan harinya.

Tepat jam 9 pagi keesokan harinya, kami check out dari Tune Hotel. Dari situ, kami mengambil KLIA Express untuk ke KLIA1. Kami tiba di KLIA1 pada jam 10 pagi dan terus berkumpul dengan group Master Dealer Public Gold yang turut sama mengikuti trip ke Germany - Switzerland. Dari KLIA kami akan transit ke Singapore. Dan dari sana kami akan ke Frankfurt.

Flight ke Singapore

Kapal2 dagang yang berlabuh di pelabuhan Singapore

Mendarat di Changi Airport

Changi Airport voucher - untuk shopping di dalam airport sementara menunggu flight

Dicatat pada March 14, 2015 jam 6:30 pagi di Park Inn hotel by Radisson, Munchen
Catatan disambung di bigBOX Hotel, Kempten, Bavaria pada March 14, 2015 jam 9:40 malam.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Make A Note!

Add caption

Previously, I shared about making a list. This time, I'm gonna share a lil bit on making a note.

It's the same thing actually. Same concept, but different focus.

This time, the focus is on accomplishing a task. I used to 'save' my task list in my original brain :D

But lately, for the past few years, my workload is getting more and more. Thus, forcing my 'RAM' to save endless data. Am afraid my 'RAM' would crash one day...ngee... so, as my husband always advice (for so many times...hahhaa...), I started to make a NOTE.

I list down every single thing that I need to do. Cross every completed task. Highlight every important thing. Set a deadline for each task. And most importantly, keep the note nice and neat (^^)

So now, I have a checklist and it seems to help a lot. Give it a try ;)

Najdah MH
Jan 16, 2015 @ 1419 hrs

Friday, January 16, 2015

Make A List!

Photo Source : Google

I've been planning to share bout this for ages. It's just something that I've been practising for many years. It's a good habit and I think it may benefit us in some way.

Eversince I was a kid, I always have a record of my expenses. Maybe because my mom was a treasurer (as I recall Muslimat Kawasan), and she kept a record of all expenses. A very detailed one. I learnt that from her.

After I got married, I did the same thing. And it turned out, my hubby had the same habit... yeay... (^^)

I find by doing so, we were able to monitor our expenses. And we were able to detect unnecessary expenses. That's a good thing.

Am still doing it now, only had few things categorizing the expenses...much easier and faster than to list every single thing...

Another habit of ours, is to make a list of expenses. I have 2 lists. One is the main list which consists of all the things that we need. The other consists only the things that we need to get for the month. We do that everytime we go shopping. That way, we won't overspend. And we certainly won't mistakenly grab unnecessary things.

I've shared this with some people before. Some agreed that it's a good habit. While some other aren't so agreed. To some people, it's kinda time consuming. But for me, it's worth it. It only takes few minutes to make a list. Few minutes to save tens, or even hundreds. So, start make a list ;)

Najdah MH
Jan 16, 2015 @ 1108 hrs

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Family Scrapbook

Can't believe it's 2015 already! Time sure

Well...last year bears a lot of stories...including the heavy flood in Kelantan...and few other states...which I have something to share about..but will tell ya next time...tonight, just wanna share about my on-going project...

As I mentioned in my previous posting, I was preparing for out lil brother's wedding. Everything went well eventhough not as planned. So now, I'm back to making a scrapbook. A family scrapbook. Which I started to make few months ago actually. So, hopefully I'm able to finish it in no time.

Wish me luck ;)

Najdah MH
Jan 10, 2015 @ 2141hrs

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Flower Crown Again

Made my 7th & 8th flower crown using smaller flowers... if I'm not mistaken, it's Hydrangea. Suitable for grown-ups (^^)

Made these for my sisters-in-law...hee...

Najdah MH
Dec 17, 2014 @ 0045 hrs

Saturday, December 13, 2014

To Do List

Source - Google

It's been a very busy week...still have tons of things to do for our lil' brother's wedding...crossed only few tasks from my 'To Do' list...which is a very long list...

Need to speed up a bit since we haven't got much time left. But 'm afraid that would be quite fact, seems like gonna have to slow down a bit coz my baby is having diarrhea. Have to juggle between houseworks, my kids, my business, my 'To Do' list, and for the past few days, the toilet.

Hope my baby gets better anytime soon insyaAllah...poor Muaz...hope he'll be fine...back to being himself, happy and cute...a lil bit of naughty (^^)

Najdah MH
Dec 13, 2014 @ 1228 hrs

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Handmade Flower Crown

1st trial

Quite busy preparing for our lil' brother's wedding lately. Made this flower crown for my gurls and their cousins. Just finished 2 crowns... still have 4 to go... was planning to use small flowers, but the flower shop only had big ones... turned out quite nice though... can't wait to see them put it on during the wedding reception (^^)

Najdah MH
Dec 3, 2014 @ 2020hrs

Sunday, December 7, 2014

What 'Resting' Means To Me

Handmade shelf

My 'therapy' spot (^^)

Normally when people got tired and exhausted, they would take a rest. Me too... but instead of having a normal rest (taking a nap etc), I choose to have it my own way, a different yet effective way (^^)

Now, what would I do when I got tired from all the houseworks? Here's what... I would spend some quality time at my 'therapy' spot... either making a scrapbook... preparing a gift for my friends' newborn (once in a while)... making mini albums... decorating 'things'... or blogging, like now :D

It doesn't seem much of a help... but it does do the trick... well, to me at least... it would take my mind off the 'tiredness'... and when that happens, back to houseworks (^^)

I find doing this is much better than having a nap...

The mini shelf in the 1st pic, I made it myself. Bought few pieces of wood board from Daiso, glued it together, sticked some patterned paper, sealed it with mod podge. Finally, placed some ice cream sticks on both sides just to secure it. The result, superb! Though it wasn't professionally made, but it was quite a success (trying not to brag... hahaha...)

The 2nd pic, decorate my 'therapy' spot on my own. Placed some wall stickers which I originally bought for my kitchen... but it turned out nice... made a stick-a-note reminder board... made few photo frames (soon to decorate)... but of course, the 1st step was to place both the shelf and the rail on the wall... that was the hardest work...

It might not seem like a rest at all... more works actually... to normal people, perhaps... but to me and other crafters I believe, this is how we take a 'rest'...

Najdah MH
Dec 1, 2014 @ 1100hrs (just finished preparing the meal)

Friday, December 5, 2014

Hook By Ikea

Gambar snap di Ikea

Recently saya ada ajak hubby ke Ikea. Just untuk dapatkan ideas of how to decorate small house and of course to grab few things.

Found this hook which is used to hang foldable chairs on the wall. Wow! Just the perfect thing for me... ngee...

Grab 4 of these coz we have 4 foldable chairs... and last few days baru berkesempatan pasang di dinding. So I spent half day menukul hari tu... bukan hook ni jer la... among other things... kalau hook ni jer, sekejap jer menukul (^^) and the result, superb! Memang jimat space! That's why I like Ikea... hehehe...

Talk about menukul... penat sangat2... sampai ke hari ni masih terasa... maybe sebab dah lama saya tak buat kerja2 menukul ni... since preggy Muaz last year... tapi walaupun penat, memang puas hati sangat2 coz rumah jadi lebih teratur...

Untuk space rumah yang kecik, barang2 Ikea memang sesuai sangat2... (free promo ni... hahaha)

Najdah MH
Dec 1, 0750hrs

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Sewing Project - Tilam Baby

1st trial jahit tilam sendiri. Quite tricky coz guna mesin jahit portable jer... so bila nak pusing2 tilam time jahit corak pada kain tu agak mencabar. But still, manage to complete 2 pieces in such a short time... happy la jugak coz jahit main hentam keromo jer... bukannya pernah attend kursus menjahit pun... huhuhu... dah la tu, bertahun jugak tak menjahit ni... so bila dah siap tu, excited dia terlebih sikit... hahaha...

Still outstanding another piece... maybe boleh complete hujung Dec kot coz sekarang ni tengah siapkan projek wedding doorgift (^^)

Najdah MH
Dec 1, 2014 @ 0740hrs

Monday, December 1, 2014

'Ahli' Baru Koleksi Kereta My Boys

1st metal plane

1st metal police car

The boys were so excited bila saya belikan depa new car toys and plane. Happy sangat2 bila tengok depa happy... paling suka bila tengok Hasan main... siap ada sound effect lagi... Hasan memang dari kecik lagi macam tu... dari usianya belum setahun memang dah pandai main (^^)

Koleksi kereta mainan kecik depa dah ada macam2 warna dan jenis sekarang ni. Saya memang suka beli yang kecik2 ni, senang nak simpan... and setiap kali nak beli, saya akan pilih yang body nya metal. Kalau yang plastik, tak tahan... sekejap jer dah tercabut sana sini... lagi2 la bila ada yang suka jadi 'engineer'...hahaha... siapa lagi kalau bukan Hifdzi :P

Najdah MH
Dec 1, 2014 @ 0720hrs

Monday, November 24, 2014

Jualan Buku Akhir Tahun 2014

Alhamdulillah pagi semalam sempat ke Jualan Buku Akhir Tahun 2014 di KLCC - Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Memandangkan masa agak terbatas coz dah ada few progs in line (we only had an hour to spend), so sampai jer kat Hall 6 KLCC, kami terus cari booth yang kami nak. And as usual, my 1st choice, PTS (^^)

Rambang mata pilih novel2 untuk gegurls...tak banyak dah yang tinggal...ada la few yang ok untuk age 7-10.

Selain tu, banyak buku2 ilmiah yang 'fun' for kids. Antaranya dua buku yang kami sempat grab ni....

70 Hadis Mudah Hafal Mudah Amal

Kisah Cilik Ulama' Terulung

Saya suka buku2 keluaran PTS. Sesuai untuk pelbagai peringkat umur. Penulisan/ pengolahan serta ilustrasi buku2 keluarannya memang menarik.

Walaupun sempat tinjau 1-2 booth jer, tapi hasil 'tangkapan' semalam...fuhh...penuh bag pack...tak larat nak pikul...ngee...

Next, will find the time untuk khatam semua buku2 tu...and will talk 'bout it here (^^)

Najdah MH
Nov 24, 2014 @ 0030 hrs

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Happy Birthday Sunshine!

Today, exactly a year ago, at 11.23pm (2323 hrs), you came into our life...bringing joy and happiness...

I was both happy and sad...

Happy that I was finally able to hold you in my arms...and sad because my dad didn't get the chance to meet you...nevertheless, it was the most wonderful day of my life...

My dear Muaz...

you're the sunshine to my rain...
the joy to my sorrow...
the laughter to my tears...
and most of all...
you're the happiness of our family...

My pray for you...
may Allah bless you always...
may He guide you to Jannah...
may He protect you from evil and from every harm...
and last but not least...
may you grow to be a true muslim...who loves Allah and his messenger, Prophet Muhammad Sollallahu 'alaihi wasallam...
InsyaAllah, amiin...

Loving you always,

how I wish that you're still here...
I bet you would laugh when I tell you that Muaz looks just like you...
I mean, just look at him...he has your hair (^^)
Whenever I look at him, I remember you...
Everyone sees you in him...
And everytime I hear them, my heart tears apart...
How I wish you could see him :(

I miss you much...
I miss your voice...
If I were to choose, I would choose to stay by your side that day...

I know that you're happy now...
Don't worry bout me...
I'm learning to let go...
I'll be strong...
Letting you go doesn't mean that I'll forget bout you...
I won't...
I'll always love you...with all my heart...
My pray is always with you...

Forever loving you...
Your lil' girl...

Najdah MH
Nov 7, 2014 @ 2310hrs

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

New Cars On The Shelf >,-

My boys are so fond of toy cars. Everytime they see one, they would ask for it...especially Lightning McQueen...huhuhu...

Tapi takder la tiap kali depa mintak, depa terus dapat... most of time, I would say NO in a nice way... and Alhamdulillah, bila saya pujuk elok2, depa ok...they're really good boys... (^^)

So, when I do have extra money, and they behave, a lot, I would get one for them. Just to appreciate their good behaviour...kinda, some sorta motivation for them to behave even more :)

Najdah MH
Oct 15, 2014 @ 1616hrs

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Rainbow Loom

I made this about 2 months ago

My 1st trial of Rainbow Loom (^^)
I think it's called 'fishtale'. Can't seem to remember the name coz there are too many names...ngee...
Aisyah seems to have fun making it too...

Najdah MH
Oct 1, 2014 @ 1728hrs

Monday, September 29, 2014

DIY - Wall Decoration

Managed to make few of these for my room decorations. Still have loooooong way to go...have few other things in mind too...roses...flower ball...ribbons...and many more...need to make a proper plan though so my room won't look like a wrapped gift...yikes :P

Najdah MH
Sept 27, 2014 @ 2036hrs

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Pregnancy And Supplement

During my first pregnancy, little I know about nutrition and wellness for pregnant women. I only took what I thought was important to me and my baby. But then, only after I delivered my first child, I found out that what I took was only a part of it.

These are among what is important for a pregnant woman and the baby she's carrying...

Multivitamin to ensure our body gets all the necessary vitamins, thus giving the baby all the vitamins it needs.

Protein is the major food source from which blood, muscles and tissues are built. It's important for the development of the baby and it helps in wound healing.

Iron helps in the formation of red blood cells and prevention of iron anaemia. While Folic Acid helps prevent neural tube defect in the foetus. It is very important for pregnant women (during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy) and those who are planning to conceive.

Vitamin C (best taken with Bioflavonoid to prolong the existence of vitamin C in our system) is an antioxidant needed for maintaining healthy bones, teeth and gums and is important for the baby's immune system. It also aids in wound healing. Meanwhile, for pregnant women it helps to prevent bleeding gums.

Calcium is the main components of our bones and teeth, it influences blood clotting, transmissions of nerve impulses, maintenance of cell membranes, enzyme reactions and hormone secretions.
While Magnesium is important for healthy cells, the manufacture of proteins and normal kidney functions. A deficiency of Magnesium affects the body's ability to regulate its use of Calcium. That's why it's best to consume Calcium together with Magnesium.
It's for the baby's bones and teeth and helps to prevent backache and cramps.

B Complex is essential for the development of red blood cells as well as the normal functioning of the nervous system. It helps promote healthy skin, nails, hair and eyes and also assists in the release of energy from fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

If we can get all these essential vitamins from our daily meal, then there is no need to take any supplements. But the problem is, our eating habit! We tend to consume unhealthy food, mostly fast food which is as we all know, not good for our health! And yet, we prefer to consume it anyway... huhu...

Written on Nov 3, 2009 @ 8:50pm

Najdah MH
Edited on Sept 27, 2014 @ 6:10pm

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Lil' Treat For The Whole Class

Alhamdulillah... after about a week of hard work (on and off juggling between box making + houseworks, I managed to finish making these boxes for my daughter's classmates :)

Najdah MH
Sept 27, 2014 @ 1808hrs

Monday, September 8, 2014

Dua Due Date

Masa mula2 detect pregnant (again), saya cek due date di web Baby Center. Based on calculation, EDD saya supposed to be on Nov 6 or 7.

1st check up, doktor bagi due Nov 7, 2013. Ok. Due date was saved in my calendar!

Pregnant kali ni, lebih kurang sama masa pregnant all 3 boys, Alhamdulillah takder alahan. Hasan still manja. The others pun dah start their tantrums again (this is normal bila depa nak dapat adik baru... huhuhu...). So, this time, it was quite exhausting coz I need to face 6 small, active, energetic kids...

Months passed by... Alhamdulillah every check-up I went through with no difficulties... the only 'bad' part was masa nak kena cek diabetes... huhu... nak tak nak, kena jugak minum air gula (><) ... other than that, semuanya fine Alhamdulillah...

Masa kandungan 5-6 bulan, doktor scan baby. On the screen, EDD was stated Nov 25! Hah? How come?? Such a huge gap between 6 and 25! Mana satu nak pilih ni?? Bincang2 dengan doktor, dia lebih yakin dengan result scan. So I was like 'Okeeeeey...' (eventhough I was a bit frustated)...

Hujung Oct, check-up di specialist. Doktor kira date based on 1st day of last period (basic normal calculation). EDD given, Nov 6! Hah? Pulaaak....

So I was like... err... doktor... my previous doctor said bla... bla... bla...

And the doctor was like... calculation based on tarikh period lebih tepat berbanding EDD masa scan. Reason dia, tarikh period tak berubah whereas EDD masa scan based on size janin which is tak fixed. Erm... betul jugak... now why didn't I think of that!?

So now, my actual EDD was Nov 6! And Alhamdulillah I gave birth to a healthy and cute baby boy on Nov 7, 2014 (^^)

Najdah MH
Sept 8, 2014 @ 0030 hrs

Friday, April 11, 2014

Tudung Labuh Inspirasihana

Masa mula2 tudung ber 'awning' ni timbul di pasaran, saya tercari2 jugak yang labuh coz senang pakai, dah tak perlu nak lipat bahagian tepi. Tapi sayangnya kat Malaysia ni belum ada yang labuh (masa tu). Bila google kat internet pun, yang ada hanyalah di Indonesia. Kalau di Malaysia ni, kena tempah baru boleh dapat. Tu pun tak ramai yang boleh amik tempahan tudung ber 'awning' ni.

Kebetulan tadi, husband saya tengah google tudung labuh kat internet. Dia terjumpa satu website tudung labuh dan dia tunjuk kat saya. Memang menarik koleksi tudung di InspirasihanaTudung2 dia bukan sahaja labuh, tapi cantik.

Mana2 sahabat yang tercari2 tudung labuh ber 'awning', boleh la visit ke Inspirasihana.

Najdah MH
April 11, 2014 @ 2244 hrs

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Tesco Online Shopping

Nowadays people like to do their shopping online. Me? I'm still 'old-style' because I kinda like to 'hand-pick' all the stuff I need :P (just to make sure that all the stuff I get are in its pristine condition).

2 days ago, I decided to do my shopping online. Just to see how it goes. So I browsed the Tesco online shopping web, chose all the groceries I need and finally chose the delivery date. I chose today.

And this morning, the delivery guys came. They gave me my order list, they brought all the stuff to my doorstep and asked me to check everything. So I went through all the stuff, make sure that everything was there, and finally made the payment.

I'm truly satisfied with the Tesco online shopping and the delivery service. The best part, Tesco only charge me RM10 for delivery. How cool is that! And the stuff are in pretty good condition :)

These are the Tesco delivery guys. Smile for the camera boys :)

So if you guys are busy, have no time for shopping, not really like to get stucked in the traffic, I guess online shopping is the best choice. This way, you save a lot of time and money (petrol & toll).

Najdah MH
Jan 26, 2014 @ 1250hrs

Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Gift For My Niece

A little gift for our newborn niece…something that I made myself, except for the shirt of course…the album, the bag, the tag, the doily…everything are handmade :)

Najdah MH
Jan 19, 2014 @ 1521hrs


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